Achieve your



Break the taboo of discussing debt, salary, and financial goals. Shake the feeling of anxiety and confusion when it comes to money. Maggie Germano is a Certified Financial Education Instructor and financial coach for women. She’s on a mission to give women the support and tools they need to take control of their money and achieve their goals through one-on-one coaching, monthly Money Circle gatherings, writing, and speaking engagements.

Maggie Germano

Achieve Your Goals

Whether it be paying down debt or building up savings, we all have financial goals. If your goals seem impossible to reach, or if you don’t know where to start, financial coaching might be right for you! With one-on-one coaching, Maggie focuses on your relationship and history with money, while giving you the tools that you need to look forward and reach your goals. If you want to feel empowered, rather than overwhelmed, and you are serious about achieving your financial goals, book a discovery call with Maggie today!

Let's work together!

Build Positive Habits

Maybe you don’t need or aren’t ready for coaching. That’s fine! You can still use these tips to build positive financial habits moving forward. Tune in weekly to learn about all the financial issues you can imagine. Then take this information and use it in your own daily life.

Check out the blog!

Be Part of a Community

You are not alone in your struggle for financial stability. Though we tend not to talk about money, there are many people out there who need support and guidance too. Join Money Circle and be part of a supportive, non-judgmental community that will be with you on your money journey!

Join Money Circle!


Kia D. from DC

Working with Maggie helped me to chip away at “money shame” I’ve been carrying for most of my life! I feel more confident in talking about money, setting financial goals, and celebrating my accomplishments.

Shontelle D. from DC

Maggie gave me great tips and strategies on how to get on a better track of gaining control over my finances at a time when I felt so overwhelmed about them. I would definitely recommend a coaching session with Maggie if you are needing any financial advice!

Jess and Joe from DC

As an engaged couple, we were feeling nervous about the process of merging our finances. Thankfully, Maggie was a great listener, making sure she got all the facts of our situation before we even met. Then she was so thorough in preparing for our meeting, and her approach allowed us to explore our differing attitudes and beliefs about money. We left with concrete tools, feeling empowered to have further conversations on our own. We learned about budgeting, and about each other!

Ana C. from DC

Working with Maggie proved to be transformational. She has helped me completely change the way I think about how finances and budgeting can help me accomplish my dreams.
