Womp, womp. It’s basically not stopped raining this week. It’s super gloomy, but I’m honestly happy it’s not 90 degrees right now. What can I say, I was raised in the snowbelt and have still not adjusted to the heat and humidity of the mid-Atlantic. Anyway, I’ve got a lot to say this week, so let me know what you think!
How I Earned Money This Week
I got a new monthly client and a new one-time client.
Another monthly client’s payment went through this week.
Our Airbnb has been busy this week; we’ve had guests every single night.
How I Spent Money This Week
I bought a new iPhone this week! My old phone was almost 3 years old and was becoming unusable. The audio would randomly stutter, even if I was on a phone call, and the battery would die in just a couple hours. My good friend works at Apple so I was able to get a discount and buy the phone outright. It’s still a huge expense, so I pulled it from my fun savings. It didn’t feel great to buy the phone outright, because it’s so expensive, but I’ll actually save over $200 compared to paying the monthly installment for it. I also had to get a new case for the phone, as my old one covered up the camera.
On Sunday, Dan and I bought a bunch of groceries. We’ve been terrible at eating well and cooking meals ever since we moved into our house. We decided to start planning out our meals for the week and shopping for those items. This week, we had stew, tacos, chicken and rice, and chicken curry. Bonus: all of the meals had leftovers so we always had delicious lunches to eat!
I’ve been doing my best to keep my business spending down this month, as the first few months of the year were very expensive. I want to have less expenses so I have more take-home pay. However, things do come up and other things are necessary. This week, I paid $45 to sign up for a two-day workshop with the DC Women’s Business Center. This workshop walks women business owners through the process of becoming a certified women-owned business. This certification makes it more likely that you’ll be able to get government contracts. I also spent money on Money Circle snacks and took a Lyft home from the gathering.
What I’m Writing
May is dedicated to weddings on the blog! This week, I wrote about how you can stay sane while planning your wedding.
What I’m Excited About
We had a fantastic Money Circle gathering this week! We came together to talk about how expensive it can be to be a wedding guest or bridal party member. Money Circle is always fun and full of good conversation, but we didn’t stop talking for two hours straight! Have you struggled to afford being a wedding guest in the past? How did you make it work? Share in the comments!
I’m starting a financial advice column! I don’t know when I’ll have it up and running yet, but I’ve already answered a few questions that will be published when it’s ready. I need to pick the name and have Dan make some new branding for the column, and then I’ll be ready to go! The premise of the column will be similar to my coaching style and other writing. Helpful advice without judgment. Got questions? Email me at [email protected]!
This year is a big election year. Not only are a ton of Congressional seats up for election in November, but there are many local and state elections before then. So make sure you’re registered to vote ASAP. Many states (including, DC, Maryland, and Virginia) allow you to register online.
What I’m Up To
The June Money Circle is on the schedule! Mark Wednesday, June 20th on your calendar and join us in making a budget!
I’m speaking at AAUW’s National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL)! I will be on a panel called, “Secure Finances for a Secure Future”, held on Friday, June 1st from 12:30-2pm.
I’m teaming up with General Assembly on Tuesday, June 26th for a free personal finance workshop. See you there?
Money Tip to Take into the Weekend
That’s all from me this week. Have a great weekend!
Maggie Germano
Certified Financial Education Instructor. Feminist and financial coach for women. Founder of Money Circle.

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