In September, I spoke at the brunch portion of Bossed Up Bootcamp here in Washington, DC. It was an honor to be able to speak to the amazing women who had gathered together to be trained on how to craft sustainable careers and happy lives. Especially because I was literally in their seat last summer.
One of the questions I was asked was what resources I would recommend to someone who is just starting to sort out their financial life. It can be overwhelming trying to dive into the personal finance realm, and the breadth of information can be discouraging.
So, I wanted to share some of my favorite financial resources with you. I hope you find them as helpful as I do!
It can be overwhelming trying to dive into the personal finance realm, and the breadth of information can be discouraging.
Smart Women Finish Rich: 9 Steps to Achieving Financial Security and Funding Your Dreams by David Bach
This is one of the first personal finance books I ever read. It was recommended to me by the “office mom” when I was a baby intern in DC, and I haven’t looked back. If you feel like this book won’t speak to you, don’t worry! David Bach has written many books about investing, debt, retirement, and more.
Financially Fearless by Alexa Von Tobel
I’ve been obsessed with LearnVest pretty much since they launched, and I was not disappointed by this book. It breaks down financial issues into digestible chunks, using compelling, understandable language.
Money: A Love Story by Kate Northrup
I read this book when I first decided to become a financial coach. The author spends a lot of time talking not just about money, but about your own personal relationship with money. I initially thought it was a little too “woo woo” for me, but I ended up loving it. I quote it on my social media all the time. You can’t fully address your financial problems until you understand the emotions behind them.
Sacred Success by Barbara Stanny
This book was recommended to me by my lovely friend and life coach, Jess Lyons. It shows women that they are able to achieve wealth and power on their own.
Don’t forget: to save money on books, you can always use your local library. There are plenty all over DC. They even let you rent books via your Kindle or other e-reader! If you like to own books and write in them, ThriftBooks has awesome, cheap used books.
This company was founded by Amanda Steinberg because she didn’t feel like financial literature was in any way geared towards women. She, like me, aims to advance women’s financial confidence and wealth. This website is a good start for learning about personal finance, whether or not you’re a woman.
I haven’t reach much of this site yet, but a few of my clients love it! He uses some tough love and personal experience to show readers how to get their finances under control.
I already mentioned LearnVest above when I recommended the book written by its CEO. But this business also publishes daily articles on many different financial issues. You can sign up to get them delivered directly to your inbox. Bonus: Like Mint, LearnVest also has a free budgeting program that you can use to have all of your financial information in one place.
I’ve been reading Chelsea Fagan’s work since she was at Thought Catalog, so I was excited to see that she founded a personal finance blog. You’ll find articles about pretty much every aspect of life (since money affects everything). And now, I’m actually a regular contributor to the website! Keep an eye out for my byline.
I am borderline obsessed with podcasts, but I’ll be honest – I don’t listen to many podcasts that deal with money. I focus mainly on history and entrepreneurship right now. However, I do know of some podcasts that you might find useful and interesting.
Her Money Matters: Money Talk for Women
Best Work/Best Life from Kathy and Mo
I would also like to offer myself up as a financial resource to those in Washington, DC (and beyond). I am a Certified Financial Education Instructor and financial coach. I mainly work with women, but I am excited to help anyone who wants to take control of their finances and live the life they’ve been dreaming of.
I work one-on-one as a coach, send out a weekly Money Monday newsletter, speak at events, and I host monthly Money Circle meetings in DC.
If you’d like to learn more, schedule a free discovery call with me!
Do you have any other financial resources that you’d like to recommend? Share with me on Twitter!
This content has also been featured on Gather the Jews.
Maggie Germano
Certified Financial Education Instructor. Feminist and financial coach for women. Founder of Money Circle.

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